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2 min read
Gratitude - A Superfood for our Mind
Did you know that gratitude can be a type of superfood for your mind, body, and soul? There’s a growing body of research that establishes...
3 min read
Tips for Nourishing, Safe, and Effective Exercise
Exercise injuries are incredibly common, but they’re largely avoidable. By listening to your body and respecting your needs, you can...
1 min read
NADI SHODHANA – Alternate Nostril Breathing
When it comes to meditation, there are various breathing techniques that have a medley of benefits. Today, I'm going to do discuss Nadi...
1 min read
Positive Psychology Exercises
According to Martin Seligman, a leading authority in the field of positive psychology, there are three exercises that have been shown to...
1 min read
Broccoli: A Nutritional Powerhouse
It's no doubt that vegetables carry an impressive nutritional profile. Broccoli, in particular, is a staple in our recommended daily...
2 min read
Balancing a Healthy Breakfast
What's a good breakfast? One that delivers some healthful protein, some slowly digested carbohydrates, and some fruit or vegetables....
2 min read
Balancing Physical Activity with Optimal Health
We all eat and we all move, but how do we balance the amount of food we eat with our physical activity level? Are we trying to lose,...
3 min read
Tips for a Beginner Yogi
Yoga is more than just a moving meditative practice. It sharpens our neuromuscular response, thus impacting our natural motor control. It...
2 min read
Meditation: Grounding our Reality
During this time, one of the things that has kept me grounded is meditation. If you're at a place where stress is getting to you, take a...
2 min read
Causes of Cravings
A craving can be a signal to your body, a way of your body communicating through your blood-brain barrier that something is off-kilter. ...
2 min read
Exploring a Craving with Mindfulness
The body is a biocomputer. Your heart never misses a beat and your lungs never miss a breath. Your body is constantly processing...
2 min read
Barre Training
Holistic nutrition and training go hand in hand. Physical wellness is a dimension that can carries many different modalities when it...
2 min read
The Gut-Brain Connection: Benefits for your Health
Although it sounds incredible, your intestine can contain more than 500 million neurons, which are closely connected to your brain...
1 min read
A Quick, Nutritious, and Satiating Snack
While I love all things wellness, I unabashedly admit that I'm not the best cook in the world. I'm constantly experimenting, and I'm...
1 min read
The Waves of our Nutrition Cycle
During a woman's cycle, I believe it's imperative to strategize nutrition and movement patterns to ease some of the more unpleasant...
1 min read
The Motivation to Fix our Postural Tone
A couple posts ago, I talked about the importance of mobility and movement in our daily lives. As we are generally sitting down more...
2 min read
Our Perception of 'Looking Fit'
I've been a group fitness instructor for almost three years, and through my classes, I apply a multifaceted blend of exercises targeting:...
1 min read
Creating Space in the Body
When we sit all day, we carry a lot of stagnant energy in our bodies. One of the best things you can do for your body is to elongate and...
2 min read
5 Ways to Improve Mental Health Today
The human brain is a remarkable organ that functions around the clock. It never ceases to process different things, like our actions,...
2 min read
The Adaptability of our Guts
As more science emerges regarding our microbiome, we're becoming increasingly aware of how our gut health affects our mental health. Our...
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